Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kaleb's 10th birthday

We have had yet another birthday in our home. Kaleb turned the grand old age of 10 this year. As usual, his birthday fell on a day we were traveling. Every year I ask myself what I was thinking, having a baby in June, the month of all things traveling in our family. And the answer is always - you weren't ;) Poor Kaleb has had a birthday in Canada, Idaho Falls, and Helena, just to name a few. I have always tried really hard to make sure his birthday is a fun one, no matter where we are, but this year I failed - I am nominated for "not mom of the year". We drove all day the day before from Las Vegas, and got home at the great hour of 5am. So, I promised him he would have a better birthday if he could wait for Mom to recover from the weekend. I also had to work a few days, so three days late, we had a fun birthday with cake, and his dinner of choice. He asked for a fish cake, we had seen one like this in a magazine, and we had hawaiian haystacks for dinner. We had some friends over too, so that was fun too. Also, in keeping up my goal for this year, I have my little list of 10 reasons I love this boy soooo much.

1. Kaleb is always telling me thank you for things I do for him. I love this, as I feel appreciated once in a while.

2. Kaleb loves babies. It is so funny to see him volunteer or ask to hold a baby. He just loves to talk to and love on them.

3. Kaleb is a good example to his friends. He has some good friends that aren't members of the church, and he is good to remind them of things that aren't good to do, and helps them find things that are better options.

4. I love to talk to Kaleb - he uses these great big words that you wouldn't expect to hear from a kids, but he is fun to talk to, and be surprised.

5. Kaleb has an infectious laugh, and is fun to have fun with.

6. I love Kaleb, because he hasn't forgotten his sister Em, and still talks about her and remembers her birthday every year.

7. Kaleb always has an idea for something fun we can do as a family. He never runs out of fun ideas.

8. I love that Kaleb loves to read - it is so fun to hear all my kids having a discussion about some book they have all read.

9. Kaleb is great to read to his little sisters. They love it when he sits with them after school and reads their pile of books they have saved for him.

10. Kaleb is a great friend to me - he always asks how I am doing. I love that boy!

Hope you had a great birthday Kaleb!

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